Leslie Lovelady, FNP

leslie lovelady

Leslie is a Family Nurse Practitioner with over 15 years of nursing experience. She began her nursing career primarily working in the field of cardiology. She received her Bachelor’s degree in nursing from Mississippi College in 2002. This was followed by over 10 years of working as an RN while pursuing a military career in aviation.  In 2012, she received her Masters of Science in Nursing at the University of Southern Mississippi where she graduated magna cum laude and began her career as a family nurse practitioner.  Ultimately, her professional background and natural interests led her to the field of aesthetic medicine where art, beauty, and holistic well-being meet. She is now employed full time as an FNP at Glacier Medical Associates working in urgent care, family medicine, and at the Glacier MedSpa and Wellness Center  as a certified Botox and facial filler injector. She was employed for 2 years in the field of aesthetics prior to joining the team at Glacier Med Spa and Wellness.

She has a passion for aesthetic medicine and believes in promoting self-love and enhancement of natural beauty by aligning patient desired outcomes with innovative aesthetic interventions.


Annie McCullough, CLT